Address Opening times Map Shops

Dépil Tech

Perfume Beauty Health Mall services

Opening times

Monday - Saturday: 10:00 to 20:30

Sunday: 11:00 to 19:00


04 93 26 30 24 See the map
With a network of more than 130 centres in France and abroad, Dépil Tech has secured its position as leader in France in permanent hair removal and photo rejuvenation using pulsed light. Dépil Tech is present in France, the French overseas territories, Europe and in South America. The brand has exactly 115
centres on the French mainland, seven in Mexico, six in Belgium, two on Réunion, three in Switzerland and one in Ireland. Dépil Tech’s mission is to offer its effective, quality services at affordable rates to the largest number of people, thanks to cutting-edge pulsed light technology.

The whole Dépiltech team at CAP3000 is waiting for you to declare war on unwanted hair.