Address Opening times Map Shops


Restaurants Sea view

Opening times

Monday - Saturday: 10:00 to 20:30

Sunday: 11:00 to 19:00

Aller sur le site


04 92 27 06 50 See the map
Evasion is a restaurant with a sea view: French cuisine deliciously influenced by the Mediterranean!

Elaborated from fresh produce by our chef Thierry Gratarolla, our menu is accompanied by a list of daily suggestions. There is also a special lunch menu.

Our philosophy 

For us, a dish's recipe begins with the selection of the products it involves. Local producers allow us to work with wonderful products, which we have the pleasure of offering you every day.

Qualité Tourisme

Evasion is certified by the Qualité Tourisme label which lists the establishments in the region offering an excellent level of service, in terms of the quality of the food, welcome and hygiene, etc.