Address Opening times Map Shops

La Cure Gourmande


Opening times

Monday - Saturday: 10:00 to 20:30

Sunday: 11:00 to 19:00

Aller sur le site


04 92 04 91 23 See the map


La Cure Gourmande: The art of making biscuits, chocolates and confectioneries with the forgotten flavors of our childhood.


Since 1989, La Cure Gourmande has been making delicacies that delight young and old gourmands alike. The search for taste and tradition are our motivations to create authentic products presented in a warm and welcoming universe.


Our stores are places of wonder, where we want our customers to spend a pleasant moment, lulled by the sweetness of the delicacies we offer.


All the biscuits, chocolates and confectioneries offered are handcrafted in our own workshops located in the south of France.


The requirement in the selection of raw materials and the mastery of know-how allow us to create products of great gustatory quality at the best price.
